Thursday, March 19, 2009

Workout for Friday, March 20

For Time:

Dumbbell push presses and squats

Use 5, 10, or 15 lb. dumbbells and do 50 push presses*, 50 air squats, 40 push presses, 40 air squats, etc. for time. Carefully choose your dumbbell weight. You want this to be a challenge, but this IS 150 total push presses.

*Push presses--See video. Feet shoulder distance apart, dumbbells on shoulders, then dip slightly at the knees and straighten knees as you push the weight above your head. Keep body weight in the heels and fully extend the arms above head.

The last time I posted this workout I did it with 15# dumbbells. Very tough. I definitely had to break the push presses in to groups because it was very heavy. I still did it in less than 10 minutes (barely). This is really not a workout to fly through. Make it pretty tough on'll be glad you did.


  1. Oops! Yes. But don't get so concerned with the time that you do too low of weight. You shouldn't be able to get through the whole thing without taking a rest break.

  2. Yeah - I took a rest break - a lot of rest breaks! Those were tough. I wanted to go up in weight so I did the 15# all the WAY down, but I felt I needed to go up in weight more so than go faster. So my time was 13:24.
