Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Workout for Wednesday, April 8

More Ladders

Today we'll do a Push Up ladder. Again, that is 1 push up the first minute, 2 push ups the second minute and so on until you cannot finish that number of push ups in the minute. Try to do the HARDEST level of push up you can. Yes ladies, some day you are going to graduate from knees to toes. If you can only get 5 rounds in, that is GREAT!


  1. 50 -50
    18 rounds of push up ladder

  2. 50 - 50
    11 1/2 rounds/11 min. push up ladder

  3. 50-50
    Didn't get my ladder done today :(

  4. 50-50; did not do the ladder today; still trying to rest a strained chest muscle. I must have a weak chest!
