Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Workout for Wednesday, September 23

For time:

10 Push ups
20 Medicine ball cleans
30 DB walking lunge
40 Wall ball shots
50 Box jumps
60 Dumbbell swings
70 Sit ups
80 Squats
90 Jumping jacks
100 yard dash

Last time we did this was on August 19.

If you do not have a medicine ball for the Medicine Ball Cleans and the Wall Ball Shots--Sub dumbbell thrusters for the cleans, and dumbbell push presses for the wall ball shots.

I have recently posted videos for Push Ups, Walking Lunge, Dumbbell Swings, Sit ups, and squats. I will post videos for the rest now:


  1. 21:42 for me this time. Added a minute, was very tired today and just couldn't get moving! Also went up on weight amounts, that could have made a difference too...

  2. 15:03 - 15 LB WL, 25 LB SWINGS, 10LB WBS

  3. Can't remember exact time from yesterday, but 20:58 sticks in my mind. PR from last time and went up on weights: 8 lb. medicine ball cleans; 10 lb. wall ball; 20 lb. swings; 10 lb walking lunges.

  4. Just so I remember when I look back next time...
    8# med. ball cleans and wall balls
    15# walking lunges
    25# DB swings for 1st 30, then 20# for 2nd 30
