Friday, August 7, 2009

Workout for Friday, August 7

Favorite/Least Favorite Tabata Mash up

Pick your least favorite and favorite of the following exercises:

Sit Ups
Push Ups
Box Jumps
Mountain Climbers
Tuck Jumps
Double Unders
Jumping Jacks
Good Mornings

The normal Tabata is 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 8 intervals. The Mash Up is to alternate favorite and least favorite exercises for a total of 16 intervals (8 minutes total). If you choose Burpees and Sit Ups--you would do burpees for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, sit ups for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, burpees for 20 seconds, and so on. Your "score" is the lowest number you do in any 20 second period of each exercise (you will have two scores.)

1 comment:

  1. Least Fav.: Walking Lunges, 12, Fav.: Good am's, 12 (Didn't pick best exercises to do inside with the dog following me, and I ran out of walking lunge space and had to turn around. Anyway, got it done and got my heart rate up and am pretty sweaty.)
