Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday/Ash Wednesday

For many years now, David and I have adopted the tradition of "giving up" something for Lent. Of course we want to make our small sacrifice in order to remember the ultimate sacrifice our Lord made on the cross, but we also see this as an opportunity to have some discipline in our lives.

This year for Lent I have decided to give up grains and sugar. Specifically, I consider grains any type of wheat, pasta or rice type food and I consider sugar to be the refined, dessert type food--not fruit. This will be a difficult 40+ days. I did give up grains last year and I have it only rarely still. But sugar--that will be a true test of will power.

You all probably know that the gym I go to is a CrossFit affiliate. What you may not know is that there is a competition each year called the CrossFit Games. This is an event where "CrossFitters" from all over the country (and world, for that matter) come together to compete. The event was so large last year that they decided to divide the country into regions and hold regional competitions, determining the top athletes from each region, and bringing them to the CrossFit Games.

In an insane moment of weakness, I signed up for the regional event, which will be held on May 2-3 in Fort Worth. I am nearly certain that I will be the oldest female in the competition. There are NO age brackets. You compete against all women (or men). My goal--not to finish LAST! I will be competing against women 1/2 my age and even less, many of whom have been college athletes and life-long fitness fanatics.

Aside from the usual hard work at workouts, one of the things I CAN do to positively affect my performance is my diet. It is very difficult for me to make this type of diet sacrifice.

If you would like to get a glimpse of the type of punishing event the CrossFit Games is, go to this website and surf around a bit. There are great video clips of some of the top athletes from last year. (Beware: there is often colorful language!)


I think you will be amazed at what the human body is capable of! I know that I am astounded everyday. People overcome so many difficulties. For me, it was just getting over laziness. Physical activity is HARD! Eating right is HARD! Laziness is EASY! But that laziness was not leading me to happiness.

What are some of the difficulties YOU will have to work through to achieve your goals? Take some time to reflect on this. Then watch this video of another CrossFitter.


Any excuses now?

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