Friday, December 4, 2009

Workout for Saturday, December 5

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

8 burpees
12 dumbbell swings (10#, 15# or 20#)
16 walking lunges (8 each leg)

Count number of rounds and partial rounds completed.

Last time we did this was Oct. 30


  1. Went in with the idea to "just get it over with" and wasn't planning on good numbers. Not too far off from last time though at 13. Note to self: Don't work out in an oversized sweatshirt, fleece pajama pants and bare feet - not a good combo - terribly hot and about cracked my head on floor as I skidded several times on the burpees!
    15# weights

  2. 10 (maybe 11) lost count...was too focused on set numbers. Much better than last time...burpees still lacking in form; however, used 20# weight for swings and touched knees to floor with each lunge down my narrow hallway. Brad felt like he got a workout from the next room as he could hear my breathing and gasps...although I must say he did not break a sweat! (Hope he doesn't read this!)
