Thursday, June 4, 2009

Workout for Wednesday, June 3

Yes, I know that this is an "after the fact" posting of our workout. But here is what we did:

5 dumbbell deadlifts
5 dumbbell hang cleans
5 dumbbell push presses

Weights: 10#, 15#, 20#, 25#
Rest 1 minute or so in between sets

20 sit ups on the minute for 5 minutes

Thanks Julie Bowers for the sit up suggestion!--and by the way, did you all notice how you were able to get ALL 100 of the sit ups done with no problem? Bet you couldn't have said that 4 months ago, could you!

And last but not least--

Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats

Yes, everyone's favorite. Good job everyone! And thanks Jordan and Connor for humoring me and doing Tabata sit ups--you guys did great.


  1. Weight lifting up to 25# each.
    100 sit ups.
    B to B squat tabata, score 10.

  2. 3 mile walk
    dumbbell push presses 8#-25#s
    100 sit ups
    Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats, score 10 (much better this time on the lovely 10 sec. rest :)
